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The LowRiders Blues Band Debuts Their New Single "Hey Alligator" on Beach Waves Radio!  

On October 29th, LowRiders founder Sammy T Floyd celebrated his birthday with Beach Waves Radio. During the interview Sam discussed our upcoming gig opening for The Fabulous Thunderbirds on November 9th at the Groove Musical Hall in Thornburg, VA. Sammy also introduced our new single “Hey Alligator” to the world! Here is a recording of the interview and our new song! Here is a link to the full song:


Thanks From the town of Bowling Green Virgina! 

On October 21st the LowRiders Blues Band brought their high engery show to the town of Bowling Green Virgina playing at their Harvest Festival. We were humbled to recieve the letter below in response to our show:

Good afternoon,

On behalf of the Town of Bowling Green and myself, we cannot thank the Lowriders enough for your wonderful performance at the Towns Harvest Festival.  Your selection of music evoked an enthusiastic response from the audience and made it clear how much they enjoyed your performance.  
If there are any issues/concerns that the band has, I would welcome any and all feedback, be it good, bad or down right ugly that may help improve the performance for the band.
We would love for the Lowriders to come back next year, and I would also be interested in having the DJ that was with you as well.  The DJ did an amazing job, and I am sorry we did not have enough in the budget this year for him.  I will make sure we do for next year though. 
Wishing the Lowriders the very best, and hope to have you back to perform at next year's event.
Kindest regards,
Trish Chenault
Deputy Treasurer/Town Clerk
We are excited and looking forward to coming back to the event next year!